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Abraham 'Bram' Stoker.

Famous Irish People.

Abraham 'Bram' Stoker


Bram Stoker was born in Marino Crescent in Clontarf County Dublin.He was educated at Trinity College Dublin, he became a civil servant and drama critic with the Evening Mail. It was around this time he met the actor Henry Erving, the pair struck an immediate friendship which was to last for life.

In 1878 Stoker married Oscar Wilde's former sweetheart Florence Balcombe, the couple moved to London, where he became business manager of Irving's Lyceum Theatre. He supplemented his income by writing sensational novels, the most famous of which was Dracula (1879). This as we all know became the inspiration of many films and plays.

His other works include 'A Life of Living' and 'The Snake's Pass' which was set in Ireland.

A plaque dedicated to him at 30 Kildare Street, Dublin 2.

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