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The 2nd Earl of Essex.

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Robert, Earl of Essex.


Robert Devereux was the son of Walter Devereux 1st Earl of Essex, he born at Netherwood, Cumbria, in 1567, his mother was Lettice Knollys. He spent his early years on his fathers estate in Wales.

The Devereux's were well connected with the English royal family, his great grandmother was Mary Boleyn sister of Anne Boleyn second wife of King Henry VIII. Robert Devereux was educated at Trinity College Cambridge, when he was eleven his father died, four years later in 1580 his mother married Robert Dudley Earl of Leister.

The 2nd Earl of Essex took up a military career serving under his stepfather the Earl of Leister, in 1590 he married Frances Walsingham, daughter of Sir Francis Walsingham, who was largly responsible for gathering information which led to the beheading of Mary Queen of Scots.

Frances Walsingham was the widow of Sir Philip Sidney who was killed at the Battle of Zutphen in the Netherlands on September 22, 1586, in which Essex emerged with distinction.

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