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Mary Delaney.

Mountpanther House.

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Mary Delaney.

(14 May 1700 – 15 April 1788)

Mary Delaney was born Mary Granville at Coulston, Wiltshire on 14th May 1700, she was a niece if the 1st Lord Lansdowne, in 1718 she married Alexander Pendarves, a wealthy Cornish landowner this was an unhappy marriage which ended in 1724 by the death of Pendarves who was considerably her senior.

Mary travelled widely during a visit to Ireland she met Jonathan Swift who introduced her to Patrick Delaney an Irish cleric who she married in 1743. Patrick Delaney was Dean of Down, the couple resided for a time at xxx near Ballyduggan outside Downpatrick, later they moved to Mountpanther House on the outskirts of Dundrum County Down. From here Mary Delaney visited many of the grand houses in the area.

She became something of a social guru leaving six volumes of Autobiography and Letters, she corrosponded extensively with her sister Anne Granville, these letters have recently been published by New Island and edited by Katherine Hill, they contain much interisting information and comments such as this relating to a visit to Castle Ward, "Mr Ward is building a fine house but the scene about it is so uncommonly fine it is a pity it should not be judiciously laid out. He wants taste and Lady Anne Ward, his wife, is so whimsical that I doubt her judgement. If they do not do too much they can't spoil the place, for it hath every advantage from nature that can be desired."

After Dean Delaneys death in 1768 Mary spent her summers with her friend the Dowager Duchess of Portland who introduced her to George III and Queen Charlotte, when the Dutchess died King George gave Mary a small house at Windsor and a pension of £300 a year

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