Hook Head lighthouse is thought to be
oldest lighthouse in the world, according to tradition, Saint Dubhán
a 5th century Welsh monk founded a monastery on the site now occupied
by the old church of Churchtown, sometime later he established a beacon
on Hook Point, which came to be known as Rinn Dubhán or point of
Dubhan, it is interesting to note that the word dubhán or duáin
is an Irish word which means fishing hook, from which the promontory derives
its present name. Dubhán's lighthouse would probably just consisted
of a fire on a pile of rocks or small tower which would have been light
at night.
After the Norman invasion in 1169 a lighthouse
was built by Raymond LeGros, who was married to the only sister of Richard
Fitz Gilbert de Clare (Strongbow) LeGros's built his tower around 1172
it may have served not only as a lighthouse but as a fortification to
guard the entrance to Waterford harbour. LeGross left the keeping of the
light with the monks of the Priory of Saint Augustine in Ross, which as
part of the Norman reorganization of the Irish church was renamed Saint
Saviour’s of Rendevan.
The monks continued to maintain the light even
through the reformation period of Henry VIII, with the onset of the 1641
rebellion the monks were forced to leave the tower and it fell into disrepair.
With Cromwell victorious nothing was done to reinstate the light and many
shipwrecks occurred, petitions were presented to Duncannon Fort without
success. It was only after the restoration of the monarchy that Charles
II granted Letters Patent to Sir Richard Reading in 1665 to erect six
lighthouses around the Irish coast, one of which was at Hook.
Hook Head Lighthouse continues to this day the
work begun by the monks so long ago, in 1996 the light was automated and
the keepers withdrawn. Today the lighthouse is open to the public guided
tours are available, the guides will tell you the legend of Dubhán
of how he was distressed to find the bodies of drowned sailors on the
shore and decided to build his light. You can climb the 115 steps to the
parapet for magnificent views both to sea and inland, afterwards you can
relax in the Lighthouse cafe or browse some of the locally made wares
in the craft shop.
Car and coach parking available on site, discount
available for group bookings please contact the centre in advance to ensure
a comfortable visit for groups. Multi-lingual literature available. Hook
lighthouse is situated on the R734, 50 km from Wexford, 29 km from Waterford
via the Passage East Car Ferry and 38km from New Ross.
For a comprehensive history and technical information
about Hook Head Lighthouse visit this
page on the Irish Light site.
Hook Head
Co .Wexford
Tel +353 (0)51 397055/4
Fax +353 (0)51 397056
E Mail
Web Site
Guided Tours of Hook Lighthouse
Open 7 Days 9.30 am - 5.30 pm
1 March - 31 October
Access to Lighthouse by guided tour only, last tour 5.00 PM