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Boxty Bread.
Raw Potatoes 450 Grames 1 lb
Flour (4 cups) 450 Grames 1 lb.
Cooked and mashed potatoes (2 cups) 450 Grames 1 lb.
Melted butter or bacon fat. (1/4 cup) 113 Grames 4 oz

1. Peel raw potatoes-grate and put onto a tea cloth.
2.Wring the liquid from the grated potatoes into a bowl.
3. Place the grated potatoes into another bowl
4. Spread the hot cooked mashed potatoes over the raw grated ones.
5. After the starch has settled from the grated potatoes pour off the liquid and scrape the starch into the potato mixture.
6. Mix thoroughly and add the flour, salt and pepper. Then add the butter.
7. Spread the mixture on a floured board.
8. Shape into round flat cakes. Cut a cross over each making them into quarters or “Farls”
9. Bake on a greased baking tin at 300 degrees F for about 40 minutes
10. Split and serve hot with Butter.

Boxty On the Griddle

Another version of Boxty is made similarly to pancakes, make the same recipe as above, add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Add milk to the mixture until it becomes runny, drop the mixture on to a moderately hot griddle cook until brown on both sides.

Serve with butter and a little sugar, this recipe was often served at Halloween.

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