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The Sperrin Mountains.

Islands Rivers Lakes Canals Geography


The Sperrin mountains are situated in County Tyrone and county Londonderry Northern Ireland, the area has been surveyed extensively and has been found to contain gold in sufficient quantity for profitable mining. The wild grandure of the remote peaks and moorland are a magnet for walkers and mountaineers.

In 1609 as part of the plantation of Ulster the so called Four Citizens of London, agents of London companies were sent to Ulster to determine the investment prospects in the area. Their guides were instructed by the Lord Deputy of Ireland to, at all costs keep the away from the Sperrins least the sight of those bleak inhospitable hills would put them off.

The highest mountain in the Sperrins is Sawel which rises to 683 metres (2240 Ft) Seamus Heaney grew up on the edge of the Sperrins a fact which no doubt influenced his subsequent writing and poetry.

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