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The Battle of Knock-tuogh.

19th August 1504.





Some of the old Irish lords notably Ulick Burke, chieftain of Clanricard, commonly called Mc William Burke; and Turlogh O-Brien, chieftain of Thomond, Melrony O-Carrol, form an alliance against the Lord Deputy the Earl of Kildare, this alliance brought together a greater army than had been seen in Ireland since the first English invasion

Kildare on his part had not only the whole power of the pale but was aided by several Irish lords, O'Neal, O'Reily, O'Connor, and others; and John Blake, mayor of Dublin and two bailiffs.

The two armies met on the 19th August at Knock-tuogh, or Knock-to, the hill of axes, (Named from this battle) near Aughrim in County Galway, the outcome hung in the balance for some time eventually Kildare's forces prevailed, one report puts the Irish killed at 4,000 although the Book of Howth states the number at 9,000 a great number were taken prisoner. Upon their victorious return to Dublin Kildare distributed 120 hogsheads of wine among his army.