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Join Ireland's fastest growing business and tourism site.

Company or business name

If you run a business in Ireland we can offer you a cost effective and efficient platform on which to promote it, we are currently receiving referrals for a wide variety of business queries, you can view incontrovertible photographic evidence from the links at the bottom of this page.

Our database search enables visitors to easily find whatever they are looking for by county, town, category and company or business name, try it out on the left.

We offer three advertising options they are as follows.

Bronze Free E Business Card
You get.

A listing in our database, this consists of unlimited text and up to three images related to you business, the listing is searchable from all our sites, see an actual listing here. your website and e mail links are live.

Your business information will be picked up and indexed by all the major search engines, and also by our internal search engine.

Free Post your business details here free

Silver Plus.
You get

If you don't have a website the Silver Plus option gives you your all the options above plus your own unique page on our site, see a sample at the following link www.silverplus.oracleireland.com note the silver plus in the address will be changed to your business name.

Listing your business in the Silver Plus option makes it available to all the internet search engines, as well as our own internal site search,

Cost £14.99 / 18 Euros a year.Post your business details here.

You get

Take the Click to find out more.gold advertising option and get all that goes with the silver, plus a full size banner advertisement 468 by 60 pixels displayed across all of the pages on all of our sites, when clicked the visitor will go to your website in a new window, the image above is the same size and performs the same as our standard banners.

We will send you weekly or monthly e mails informing you of how you banner is doing, the number of times it has been viewed and the number of times it has been clicked, if you are not in a position or do not have the time to make you banner we can arrange to have one made for you, banners can be static or animated.

Purchasing a banner add will entitle you to one entry into a draw to win €10,000 and an 100 pixel link to your website for life on an image on our home page.

£99.99 a year.Post your business details here.

Choose a link below to see evidence of our search engine referrals.

Health & Beauty Related | Holidays & Accommodation | Shopping | Heritage | Equestrian
Estate Agents | General Enquiries | Fishing | Florists | Referral Phrases

We accept payment via invoice or through Pay Pal who can process all the cards below.