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Irish Coffee.
& Transatlantic Travel.

Irish coffee owes its origins to an enterprising barman in the town of Foynes County Limerick. In 1939 the first transatlantic seaplane service to America via Newfoundland was inaugurated, long distance flight was in its infancy and often the outward flights had to return to Ireland because of head winds or icing of the wings.

The barman invented the drink to invigorate the returned passengers, apparently accommodating on the planes was quite luxurious, seven course meals being served, some of the planes were fitted with a bridal suite in the tail section.

The outbreak of the second world brought the service to an end, it was not resumed at war end; advancement in aviation technology during the war years making the seaplanes obsolete.

Irish Coffee Recipe.

Into a warm glass add a measure of Irish whiskey,
Add enough strong black coffee untill the glass is three quarter full.
Top up by pouring pure cream gently over a spoon into the glass.

After you make your Irish Coffee you may find a suitable Irish toast here.