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Tintern Abbey.


Other Ecclesiastical sites in County Wexford

Tintern Abbey.

(From Tintern in Wales.)

It is said William Marshal endured a particularly difficult crossing of the Irish sea, and pledged if spared a watery grave would found an Abbey. This he did in 1200 at Fethard and called it Tintern, it was from Tintern abbey in Wales the original monks came from to staff the Abbey.

Little of the original is visible due to fifteenth century reconstruction, the abbey was dissolved in 1538 and granted to Sir Anthony Colclough an Elizabethan soldier who converted it into a dwelling house, his descendants lived in the area until recently. The Colclough's unlike many other Anglo Irish landowners appear to have had an exceptionally good relationships with their neighbours. Several of their number are said to have lost their lives for the Irish cause.

Local tradition tells of a phantom torchlight procession seen approaching the Gothic entrance door, accompanied by the sounds of Latin chants.

Another Irish abbey owes its existence to a pledge made whilst in passage across the Irish sea. Greyabbey in County Down was founded in 1193 by Affreca, daughter of Godred King of the Isle of Mann and wife of John de Courcy.

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Oh save, and I will build to thy glory alone
An altar of gold in an abbey of stone:
An abbey and altar, a church and a shrine,
This heart's grateful offering to mercy divine.

('Tintern de Voto' by John Bower)