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Kilkenny Town.

County Kilkenny.



The town of Kilkenny grew up around a monastery founded by St Canice in the 6th century. The settlement was the capital of Ossary a sub-kingdom of Leinster. When the Normans arrived William Marshall built a castle in 1192. Kilkenny grew in importance and at a time rivaled Dublin, several Irish Parliaments were convened in the town, in 1366 the Statutes of Kilkenny were drawn up in the town.

In 1391 the Lordship was bought by James Butler, 3rd Earl of Ormond, the castle remained in Butler hands until 1935, during this time it underwent many changes, evolving from a medieval castle to a Restoration chateau to a Victorian country house. In the long gallery of the castle there are paintings by Lely, Kneller, Van Dyke and some of the pre Raphaelites. The castle's last brush with history was in 1922 when it was taken over by the Anti-Treatyites, but they surrendered peaceably to days later.

Read about Kilkenny Town in 1837 from Samuel Lewis' Topographical Directory of Ireland.

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Co Kilkenny
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