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Kilmalkedar Church.


Kilmalkedar Church.

(Church of St Maolcheadar.)

Kilmalkedar on the Dingle Peninsula was founded in the seventh century by St Maolcathair, it is one of the foremost Christian sites in the area. The present two chambered roofless church date from the twelfth century it consist of a nave to which a chancel was added at a later date

The building is typically Irish Romanesque with bold antae decorated with animal heads and round headed doors, all in surprisingly good state of preservation. The high pitched gables survive almost intact the west one is surmounted by a finial.

Inside the church is a stone with a latin inscription, in the churchyard ia an Ogham stone with a hole near the top, a rather plain stone cross which may not have been completed and a fine example of a monastic sundial

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Kilmalkedar Church