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Athenry Castle.

(Athenry 'Ford of the king)


This castle was built by Meiler de Bermingham in about 1238, the de Berminghans were Anglo Norman invaders they played a prominent role in Irish history, Piers or Peter de Bermingham of County Offaly is remembered for treacherously slaying thirty guests at a dinner party. Another de Berminghan John defeated Edward Bruce at the battle of Faughart in County Louth.

Athenry Castle was built originally with two storey's the third was added some time later, the one remaining corner tower is probably original.The river Clareen on the East side of the castle was used to fed a moat which once encircling it.

Athenry Castle has recently been re-roofed, the interior contains an audio visual room and exhibition. Access to ground floor of Castle for people with disabilities.

Athenry Castle
Co Galway
Tel +353 91 844797
Fax +353 353 91 845796
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Tourist Information

April - May Tues - Sun 10:00-17:00
June - Mid Sept Daily 10:00-18:00
Mid Sept - Late Oct Tues - Sun 10:00-17:00
Last Admission 45 minutes. before closing