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Beleek Pottery.

County Fermanagh.

Beleek Pottery.

Situated on the banks of the River Erne, visiting Belleek is like a step back in time. The methods and techniques developed by the very first craftsmen are still followed today. A video presentation in the audio visual theater takes visitors through the production process before the guided tour begins.

The pottery was established in the village in 1857 by John Caldwell Bloomfield, who had inherited nearby castle Caldwell. Bloomfield was a keen amateur potter, and noticed all the ingredients of the potters craft were to be had in the locality, within ten years of his company's foundation it was producing award winning pieces of highly decorated and lustrous parian ware, it is the oldest surviving pottery in Ireland.

Beleek Pottery
Co Fermanagh
Tel +44 (0)28 6865 9300
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Web Site
A tour of the factory is available, giving visitors the opportunity to observe craftsmen firing, glazing and decorating the pots and learn how the intricate design is achieved using tiny petals, stems and twigs made by hand and attached to vases and pots.