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Events in Ireland.
Irish Events.

Irish Festivals.

Festivals & Events in Dublin.

  01 September 2009 - 31 January 2009

The National Library of Ireland is a cultural institution under the aegis of the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism. Its mission is to collect, preserve and make available books, manuscripts and illustrative material of Irish interest.

Users of the Library have a wide variety of interests. They can include those engaged in long-term research with a view to a book or article and those with a specific once off need. The Library's Genealogy Service is designed to assist all of those who wish to research their family history in Ireland.

The Library does not lend books and reading is done in the various reading rooms. There is also a copying service and it is possible to get photocopies, photographs, slides, or microfilm of most items in the collections. The Library has an ongoing programme of exhibitions.

The National Library of Ireland has the largest collection of Yeats manuscripts in the world, and in addition, holds other fascinating Yeats material generously donated by Mrs George Yeats, wife of the poet, and Michael Yeats, the poet's son, over several years.

National Library of Ireland
Kildare Street,
Dublin, 2,
Telephone:+353 (0)1 603 0200
Fax:+353 (0)1 676 6690
E Mail
Web Site

Material from this collection is now on display in the Library's acclaimed exhibition. Covering many aspects of Yeats' life and his development as a writer, this exhibition also gives visitors an insight into Irish social, cultural and political life from the late 1800s to the 1930s. Café and shop



Dtwo Night Club.

20 June 2006 - 30 June 2010

Dtwo Night Club
60 Harcourt Street,
Dublin 2,
Dublin City Centre,
County Dublin,
Telephone:+353 (0)14 76 4603
E Mail
Web Site

Dtwo Night Club - 7 bars, 2 leves. An award winning all weather heated beer garden! Club opens wednesday to Sunday. Top dj's, cool drinks promotions and hot crowds.