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Somme Heritage Centre.

County Down.


Somme Heritage Centre.

The Somme Heritage Centre is located on the Newtownards to Bangor road, it cronicles the grim reality of the First World War 1914 to 1918 and the efects the slaughter had on the community at home.

The centre commemorates the involvement of the 36th (Ulster) and 16th (Irish) Divisions in the Battle of the Somme, the 10th (Irish) Division in Gallipoli, Salonika and Palestine and provides displays and information on the entire Irish contribution to the First World War. The centre promotes cross-community contact, mutual understanding, an appreciation of cultural diversity, and is a major visitor attraction.

The Centre is built on ground kindly provided by Ards Borough Council in what is to be the Whitespots Country Park. It is linked to Helen's Tower on the Clandeboye Estate via the Ulster Way. Historically, the 36th (Ulster) Division trained over the Estate during the first few months of the war and German Prisoners of War were interned there. A replica of Helen's Tower was built on the Somme battlefield as Northern Ireland’s national war memorial.

•Multi-media recreation of the battle. (see below)
•Experience 'The Somme'. (see below)
•Displays and exhibits.
•Walk-through British trenches.
•Hear veterans of the Battle recount their experiences.
•‘Hands-on’ activity area - see the trench rations...try on the uniform worn by soldiers during the First World War
•Computer database - Did a relative die in the Great War?
•Souvenir shop
•Where are we?

Somme Heritage Centre
233 Bangor Road,
Co Down BT23 7PH
Tel + 44(0)28 91823202
Fax No: + 44 28-91823214
E Mail
Web Site

The Front Line Experience The Front line experience is shaking with the noise of the tremendous artillery barrage of the Battle of the Somme. Make your way along the trenches in the early light of 1st July 1916. Look out across 'No Man's Land' with the troops, before they go 'over the top'. Experience the events of the battle through the eye's of the soldiers who took part.