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Legananny Dolmen.

In County Down.

Legananny Dolman.

(Pillar stone of Anyna.)
(Hollow of the marsh)

On the south face of Cratlieve a small mountain above Castlewellan with magnificent views of the Mourne's stands a dolmen, this is one of the more impressive examples of megalithic stonework, the capstone which measures 10 ft (3 M) by 4 ft (1.22 M) by 2 ft (.61 M) stands clear of the ground on three uprights over 7 ft (2.2 M) high. Legananny Dolmen is probably one of the better known dolmen in north eastern Ireland, despite its remote location it attracts a large number of visitors.

The name Legananny is derived from Liagán Áine which means 'Pillar stone of Anya' she was the mythological mother goddess loved by the warrior Finn McCool.

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