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Slanes County Down.

Irish History.

Parishes in County Down.

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Reprinted from Samuel Lewis' Topographical Directory of Ireland printed in 1837..

SLANES, a parish, in the barony of ARDES, county of DOWN, and province of ULSTER, 4 miles (E.) from Portaferry; containing 589 inhabitants.

This parish is situated on the eastern coast, and comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 946½ statute acres, the whole of which is under cultivation, and produces excellent crops of corn, flax, and potatoes.

Here is Slane's Point, between which and Carney Point is a cluster of rocks and shoals, one of which, called the South rock, is three miles (E. N. E.) from Carney Point, and on it there is a light-house, called the Kilwarlin Light, erected by the Corporation for the Improvement of the Port of Dublin: it is a revolving light, elevated 52 feet above the sea at high water, with 10 lamps of a bright colour, appearing once in a minute and a half: two bells are also kept tolling in foggy weather, by means of clock work, to warn mariners of their proximity to danger: the rocks and shoals extend a mile at least to the eastward of the lighthouse.

Here is a coast-guard station. On the shore are the remains of a large castellated edifice, called Newcastle, which has given name to the district; from this is the communication with the light-house, and here are the residences of the keepers.

It is a rectory, in the diocese of Down, forming part of the union of Ballyphilip, and of the corps of the chancellorship of Down; the tithes amount to £106. 13. 5½. There is no vestige of a church, but the burial-ground remains, where once stood an extensive edifice, traditionally said to have been a wealthy abbey: the Protestants attend divine service at Portaferry church. In the R. C. divisions the parish forms part of the union or district of Upper Ardee.

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