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Kilkeel Parish County Down.

Irish History.

Townlands in Co Down.

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Reprinted from Samuel Lewis' Topographical Directory of Ireland printed in 1837..

KILKEEL, a post-town and parish, in the barony of MOURNE, county of DOWN, and province of ULSTER, 15 miles (S.E) from Newry, and 65 and three quarters (N.N.E.) from Dublin; containing 14,806 inhabitants, of which number, 1039 are in the town. According to the Ordnance survey it comprises 47,882¾ statute acres, of which about 11,000 are arable and 12,000 pasture; the remainder consists of the Mourne mountains.

The only creek in the twelve miles of coast that bounds the parish is Annalong, where a small dock for fishing-vessels has been excavated out of a rock. There are coast-guard stations at Annalong, Cranfield, and the Lee Stone, all in the district of Newcastle; also a constabulary police station.

Fairs are held on Feb. 8th, May 3rd, Aug. 2nd, and Dec. 8th; and a manorial court is held in the sessions-house at Kilkeel, once in three weeks, for the manor of Greencastle and Mourne, by a seneschal appointed by the Earl of Kilmorey; its jurisdiction extends over the whole of the barony of Mourne, which is included in this parish, and is the property of his lordship, arid pleas to the amount of £10. are determined either by attachment or civil bill.

The principal seats are Mourne Park, the splendid residence of the Earl of Kilmorey; Shannon Grove, of J. S. Moore, Esq.; and the glebe-house, of the Rev. J. Forbes Close. The living is a rectory, in the diocese of Down, united, in 1809, by charter of Jas. I., to the rectories of Kilcoo and Kilmegan and the chapelry of Tamlaght (a small townland in Kilkeel), which together form the union of Kilkeel and the corps of the treasurership of the cathedral of Down, in the alternate patronage of the Marquess of Anglesey, and the Earl of Kilmorey. The tithes amount to £800, and of the entire benefice to £1600.

The church was rebuilt in 1818, for which the late Board of First Fruits granted a loan of £2160. The glebe-house is situated on a glebe of 30 acres, valued at £37. 10. per annum, but subject to a rent of £19. 7. 9., payable to the Earl of Kilmorey.

In the R. C. divisions the parish forms two districts, called Upper and Lower Mourne, the former containing a chapel at Ballymaguagh; the latter, one at Glassdrummond and one at Ballymartin. There are a Presbyterian meeting-house in connection with the Synod of Ulster, and one of the third class in connection with the Seceding Synod, also meeting-houses for Wesleyan Methodists, Baptists, and Moravians.

About 770 children are educated in eight public schools, to one of which the Earl of Kilmorey contributes £31, and to another, Mrs. Keown £10. annually. Needham Thompson, Esq., built and principally supports the school at Mullartown; and that for girls, at Ballinahatton, was built by the Rev. J. F. Close, who clothes and educates 65 children there. About 450 children are taught in 10 private schools; and there are six Sunday schools and a dispensary.

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Townlands in the parish of Kilkeel.
Aghyoghill Ballynahatten Drummanlane Lisnacree
Attical Ballyrogan or Mourne Drummanmore Long Island
Aughnahoory Ballyveagh Beg Upper Dunnaman Lurganconray
Aughnaloopy Ballyveagh More Dunnaval Lurganreagh
Aughrim Ballyveagh More Upper Glasdrumman Maghereagh
Ballaghanery Upper Benagh Upper Glasdrumman Upper Maghery
Ballinran Black Rock Glenloughan Moneydorragh Beg
Ballinran Upper Brackenagh East Upper Grange Moneydorragh More
Ballyardel Carrigenagh Upper Green Island Mourne Mountains East
Ballygowan Corcreaghan Greencastle Mourne Mountains Middle
Ballykeel Cranfield Guineways Mourne Mountains West
Ballymadeerfy Dead Mans Island Kilkeel Mourne Park or Ballyrogan
Ballymagart Derryoge Leitrim Moyad
Ballymageogh Drumcro Leitrim Upper Mullartown
Ballymartin Drumindoney Linden's Lump Thompson's Island
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