is a pre Norman monastic site, it is said to have been founded
by St Mochai who was the son of Bronagh and grandson of Diuchu,
the tribal leader in County Down who gave his barn to Patrick
to use as a church, Diuchu is said to have been the first person
in Ireland to be baptism by St. Patrick.
The monastery is situated on
Mahee island on the north western shore of Strangford Lough. The
first references to it can be dated to the beginning of the 7th
century and continue until a fire in 976 AD perhaps a Viking raid
when the abbot was burned in his house.
In the late 12th century a small
Benedictine monastic cell was founded on the site, but by 1306 the
monastery appears to have been abandoned for Tullynacill (Hill of
the Church) on the mainland.
The information below is taken
from the Annals of Ulster.
496 Expugnatio Duinn Lethghlaissi (the storming
of Down Lethglaisse).
498 Expugnatio Duinn Lethghlaissi.
The same source records the death of Mo-chai of Naendruim at both
496 + 497. |
The site was
excavated by H C Lawlor between 1922-24,
the evidence he found suggested that some of the huts may have been used
for crafts including Bronze working. Lawlor reconstructed the base of
the church, the stump of the tower and the sundial, during the excavations
he found the foundations of many circular huts, within the outer concentric
stone rings.
The image
below show an artist impression of how the monastery may have looked when
it was in use.
In 1999 excavations
took place on the foreshore at Nendrum on what was thought to have been
a fish trap, it was discovered that it had in fact been a tide mill, used
by the monks to grind grain. Subsequently it was dated to 619 AD, this
makes it one of the earliest tide mills in Europe and also the first horizontal,
the image above shows an artists impression of how the mill may have looked.
During the excavations
three distinct phases of
development have been identified, the first 619 when the mill was built
the second phase has not as yet been dated, the third phase has been dendrodated
to 788. Two granite millstones 830 mm (32 inches) in diameter were recovered
the lower one intact, the upper broken, the paddles three of which were
recovered were carved from oak, it is not known how many there were in
total, it is thought there may have been as many as twenty-four.
Monastic orders clearly had a thorough
understanding of engineering and hydrodynamics, monks at Assore
Abbey in County Donegal also utilized water power to grind their grain.
Other saints associated with the building of mills were, St. Seanus, St.
Ciaran, St. Fechin of
Fore Abbey in County Westmeath.
See also Water
Power in Ireland and read about engineering on a massive scale when
some 1,400 years later, in 2008 a tidal
electric generator was installed in Strangford Narrows.
Read about tide mills on Wikipedia.
Visit this
site for an in-depth description and images of the excavations and
findings at Nendrum.
The sundial stands on the south west
corner of the church, it was used to determine the three main prayer periods
terce, sext, nones

Mahee Island
Strangford Lough
Co Down
Tel +44 (0)28 9054 3037
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images of Nendrum. |