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Castle Ward Lead Mine.


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Castleward Lead mine

There was once a lead mine on the estate, this was opened in 1855 on Dixon Island where the present boathouse now stands. It was not a financial success and was advertise for sale in the Northern Whig of 3rd February 1865, the advertisement is reproduced below.

Little trace of the mine is to be seen today save for a small stone building once used to store the explosives used in the mine

Northern Whig.

Large quantities of lead have been raised here and sold from the mines during the last four years. The machinery is good, and in working order. The local advantages of the mines are very great; the engine house is situated within a few yards of the pier, in a little harbour of Strangford Lough in which vessels of 100 tons can load and unload in all weathers free of dues.

The seaport towns of Strangford and Portaferry are but a mile distant. Lord Bangor's demesne, adjoining the Sett, supplies abundance of suitable timber at low rates. Fresh water is brought through pipes to the engine house and dressing floor and coals are delivered at very low prices.

Contact Information.

Castle Ward House
Downpatrick Road
Co Down
Tel: (028) 4488 1204
E Mail
Web Site

The house is open to the public during the summer months.
The grounds are open all year.

Various events are organized throughout the year, one of the most popular is a book fair, introduced by former property manager Mr. Harry Hutchman, contact the house for further details.