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Irish Jewelers
Jewelers in Ireland
Jewelers in Cork

Please note!

We have contacted many of the businesses listed on this page and those it links to and have received few responses, we can only assume that unfortunately those businesses no longer exist, please visit our sister site where you will be sure to find more up to date information on jewelry shops in Ireland.

If you have a business or service of any kind, or an event you would like to promote, you can list it free on


Jewelers in Cork City.
Co. Cork
Tel +353 (0)21 372489
E Mail
Web Site 




Gerard Wallace Jewelers</b>.
Gerard Wallace Jewelers
26 North Main Street
Cork City
Co Cork
Tel: +353 (0)21 4277 333
Fax: +353 (0)21 4851 579
E Mail
Web Site

Gerard Wallace Jewelers

Established 1973



Sean Carroll &Sons.
Sean Carroll & Sons
Granary Hall
18 Rutland Street
Cork City
Co Cork
Tel: +353 (0)21 4311757
Fax +353 (0)21 4320685
E Mail
Web Site

Sean Carroll & Sons




J. Hilser & Sons.
J. Hilser & Sons
95 South Main Street
Cork City
Co Cork
Tel 021 4270713
Fax 021 4270713
E Mail

J. Hilser & Sons

Contact Anne Hilser


Jewelers in Kinsale.

Marquise of Kinsale.
Marquise of Kinsale
Main Street
Co. Cork
Tel: +353 (0)21/773170
E Mail
Web Site



Jewelers in Dingle.

Brian de Staic.
Brian de Staic
The Wood
Co Cork
Tel +353 (0)21
E Mail
Web Site


200 metes west of Dingle Pier