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Carlow Castle.

County Carlow.

Carlow Castle.

(Four lakes.)

Carlow castle was built by William Marshall or his son early between the years 1207-13, guarding the strategic crossing of the river Barrow. It is probably the first example of the towered or turreted keeps, consisting of round towers at each corner of a rectangular block, built in Ireland. Lionel duke of Clarence built a wall around the town and castle in 1361, this didn't prevent the town and castle falling to Art MacMurrough Kavanagh in 1405, Kavanagh put both to the torch.

The castle was taken again by Rory Og O'More in 1577. In 1650 it was besieged by Cromwell, when it surrendered the defenders were slaughtered.

The castle is a great state of disrepair, due mainly to a doctor Middleton who bought it in 1814, his intention to turn it into a lunatic asylum, he decided the windows needed enlarging and thought gunpowder would be a quick way to achieve this. The explosion blew the castle apart, leaving only the the shell of the keep and the corner towers standing.

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