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Prehistoric Sites
in County Carlow.


Browneshill Dolmen.

The heart shaped capstone weighs about one hundred tons, is reputed to be the heaviest in Europe. Supported at the front by three uprights, the rear of the capstone rests on the ground.

Browne's Hill (or Browneshill) In the townland of Kernanstown 3.2 km E of Carlow town.

Carlow Tourist Office
College Street
Carlow Town
Co Carlow
Tel +353 (0)599131554
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Kilgraney Portal Tomb.

This is a collapsed portal tomb, the capstone is a large flat slab about 60 cm thick by more than 5 metres long and 2.5 metres wide. The capstone has slipped off and is now supported on just one stone.

Co Carlow
Tel +353
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