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Ecclesiastical Sites
in County Carlow.


Killoughternane Church.

(Killough means 'Church on the lake.')

This tiny 3.66 Meters (12 ft) by 6 Meters (20 ft) early Christian church dates from the ninth century of later, it has slightly projecting antae, and a small round headed east window.

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St Mullen's Abbey.

(Tigh Moling)

This abbey was founded by St Moling in the seventh century, it is situated on the banks of the river Barrow, outside the Northeast corner of the church there stands a badly eroded Christian High Cross from the 9th century. The original monastery burnt down in 1138, an Abbey was built on the site at a later date. Near the southwest corner of the church is the stump of a round tower, and outside the northwest corner of the graveyard is a small Anglo Norman motte.

A number of south Leinster kings are buried on the site including the famous warrior Art MacMurrough who routed the Anglo Norman lords of the provence and drove them to the pale. Also buried here is Father Daniel Kavanagh who died in 1813 and is said to have had the power of healing. Every year on the Sunday before July 25th a mass is held on the penal altar for the many people who bring their ailments and problems to St Moling and Father Kavanagh.

There must have been a water mill on the site because it is said that with his own hands St Moling dug a mile long watercourse to power his mill, a task that took seven years. apparently the watercourse can still be seen. He became Bishop of Ferns, died in 697 and was buried in St Mullins.

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The abbey was plundered by the Vikings in 951.



Cathedral of the Assumption.

Thomas Cobden designed this Gothic cathedral which was begun in 1820. The high tower has a crowning octagonal lantern. The interior has slender clustered columns, triple lancets, and diagonal rib vaulting.

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Killeshin Church.

(Church od St Oisin.)

This church is said to possess one of the best examples of a Hiberno Romanesque doorway in Ireland. The ruin dates from the twelfth century. There are columns carved with foliage scroll patterns, capitals with human heads, and a hooded round arch decorated with chevrons and floral designs.

Carlow Tourist Office
College Street
Carlow Town
Co Carlow
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