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Castles in County Armagh.

Gosford Castle & Forest.

Gosford castle situated near Markerhill is a mock-Norman battlemented castle built in 1819 it has a round tower at one end and a square keep.

It is not open to the public but the park and arboretum walled garden, two raths, nature trail, a camping and caravan site and Dean Swift's Well and Chair are open from 9 AM until 9 PM all year

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Charlemont Fort.

Situated 3 miles SW of the Argory there is an impressive outline of an artillery fort dating to 1602, it was built by Lord Charlemont as part of the English plantation policy in Ulster, it was burnt down in the troubles of 1921.

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Full list of castles in Co Armagh.

Castle Name Condition Description Founded by Barony Parish/Townland Map Ref
Aghayalloge Cashel Ruins Cashel - "...although it was almost certainly circular originally. The surrounding wall stands c.1m high & is largely built of granite boulders. It is well built,faced on both sides, varying 1.2m-3.4m thick. As it stands now, the wall may be essentially recent, but it probably reflects the outline of a genuine cashel. A gap 1.8m wide on E side also appears recent, but could mark an earlier entrance."
Orior Upper Killevy, Aghayallog J05922120
Aghmakane Cashel Ruins Cashel - "The cashel consists of a drystone wall enclosing an area 29m N-S x 31m E-W. In the interior, 2 sides of a rectangular platform 8m x12m can be seen. The site is raised above the outer ground & the surrounding wall is 0.75-1m above the interior, 1.2-2m above the exterior & 1.5m across."
Orior Upper Killevy, Aghmakane J02062526
Ardgonnell castle (Argonell Castle, Ard gConnaill, "the height of Connall") None Castle -"A 3-4 storied, fortified, timber-floored, square tower house with an apartment sunken below ground. Believed to have had 8 defensive round towers with 3 feet thick walls. Castle walls varied from 20-50 feet in height, and was surrounded on three sides by the River Cor. By 1907 the remains were L shaped." c17th – Built by – Tynan Branch Ó Neills
1608 – occupied by Sir Henry Og Ó Neill until 1608; Catherine Ni Neill; Sir Phelim Roe Ó Neill
1631 – Sir Turlough Ó Neill (Turlough of Ardgonnell Castle)
1642 – Henry Ó Neill
1668 – granted to - Sir Robert Hamilton
1750’s – 1903 – Lord Gosford Estate
1960’s -- destroyed
Tiranny Tynan, Ardgonnell H73883750
Armagh Castle Not Found Tower-House - "… a castellated house...the under appartments were arched, and the upper parts embattled." 1236 – Maurice Fitzgerald
1596 – surrendered to Earl of Tyrone
Tiranny Tynan, Tynan H87484510
Blackbank castle Ruins Castle - "… a castle was erected for the protection of the new settlers ; but the undertaking failed..."
Fews Upper New Town Hamilton, Blackbank Hill
Blackwater Fort (Portmore Fort) None Tower-House - "a tower-house style fortification with earthen ramparts at Blackwater, with a bridge over the river into Co. Tryone" ???? - Built by - Earl of Essex
1595 - Attacked by - O'Neills O'Donnells and Maguires
1597 - Rebuilt by - Lord Thomas Burgh
1598 - Attacked by - Tyrone and O'Donnells
Armagh Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown or Lisbofin H841523
Carrickbane Bawn None Bawn - "140 feet long and 80 feet wide emended at the angles by four towers" 1610 - Built by - Henry Acheson Fews Lower Mullaghbrack, Carrickbane
Carrigans Cashel (1) Ruins Cashel - "A circular enclosure 29m in diam E-W. The interior is slightly raised on the E & W sides & is surrounded by a stone wall or perhaps a stone faced bank, 2.1m wide & 1.4m high. A break 2.1m wide on the E may mark the original entrance, but there is another gap 2.4m wide on the SW."
Orior Upper Forkill, Carrigans H97611750
Carrigans Cashel (2) Ruins Cashel - "A polygonal enclosure 13.5m NW-SE x 12.5m NE-SW & is defined on the S by a steep, possibly stone-faced scarp falling 1.2m or more to the external ground level."
Orior Upper Forkill, Carrigans H96991788
Castle Dillon (1) (Castledillon) None Rath & Bawn - "described in 1613 as 'certain small buildings within a strong rath' and in another account as 'a stong bawn, with houses for lodgings'. "
Oneilland West Loughgall, Turcarra H9049
Castle Dillon (2) (Castledillon, Castle Dillon House) Full Plantation House -
Oneilland West Loughgall, Turcarra
Castleraw (Castle Raw, Castle Roe) Ruins Fortified House - "A 3 storied fortified house in cruciform shape was built within a square entrenchment c.1618. The ruins comprise a semi-basement & 2 upper floors. Only the N wall of the W wing now stands to approx. original height, the rest of the walling (where it survives at all) being largely reduced to foundations. The walls are of Carrickfergus limestone rubble with a ground floor plinth,projecting 10-15 cms. A window, c.1.56m wide internally occupies the centre of the N wall." 1618-19 - Built by - Anthony Cope Oneilland West Kilmore, Castleraw H927529
Charlemont Fort Gatehouse Only Fort - "There was a gateway and star-fort surrounded by earthworks. The fort was 4 storeys high..." 1602 - built by - Charles Blunt, Lord Mountjoy
1641 - Fort Taken by - Sir Phelim O'Neill
1859 - Auction and Sale of fort remains
Armagh Loughgall, Charlemont H85385578
Church of Elections Round Tower (Damhliag Mor, "Great Stone Church", St. Patricks Cathedral) None Rath, Church and Round Tower - "This ecclesiastical site was in use from Early Christian times… the Round Tower, 1st mentioned in 994; the Stone Church of the Elections, burnt in the fires of 916 & 1020, S of the chancel of the present cathedral; the Library, the only house in the rath to escape destruction in 1020... " 1020 - Destroyed Armagh Armagh, Armagh H87444517
Clare Castle Ruins Fortified House - "… 'a stoney house or castle of lime' 100ft x 80ft... a quadrangular site & circular tower. This is a corner turret standing c.20ft high, adjacent to the remnant of a stone building now used for farm storage." ???? -- Built By -- Henry Bouchier
1785 -- Destroyed by Fire --
Orior Lower Ballymore, Clare J01554398
Coney Island Castle (Coney Keep) None Motte and Tower - "The motte is c.5m high with diam of 21m at the base and 7.3m at the top.It is surrounded by a shallow ditch. The tower has an external diam of 9.45m with walls c.2m thick. Traces of a ditch with an earthern rampart were also found." C16th - Built by
???? - Residence of - Shane O'Neill
c1567 - Fortified by - Sir Philip Sidney
Oneilland West Tartaraghan, Coney Island H93846407
Corliss Cashel Not Found Cashel - "Davies also mentioned a 3rd fort in this town land. This area is now overgrown with whins. No trace of an antiquity can be identified."
Fews Upper Creggan, Corliss H891166
Corliss Rath (Corliss Fort, The Beech Fort, Donaghy's Fort) None Rath - "A bivallate rath & souterrain excavated in 1939, squarish in plan 40m NE- SW x 39m NW-SE. The site was enclosed by a bank c.1.5 above the interior, falling c.5m to the base of a U-profiled ditch,6-7m wide & c.3m deep. Post holes c.0.5m wide & deep around the outer edge of the bank suggested some sort of timber revetment. A counterscarp bank rose 4m above the base of the ditch."
Fews Upper Creggan, Corliss H893168
Creevekeeran Castle (Crifcairn Castle, Criff Keirn Castle, Craobh-chaorthainn "large tree of the rowans") Ruin Tower-House - "A tower House and moat situated close to Hanslough Lake. The walls were 9 feet thick and about 66 feet high. One tower of the ruin still stands." c17th – Built by – Tynan Branch ot the O.Neills
1888 – Lord Caledon
Tiranny Tynan, Creevekeeran H78473710
Damoily Cashel Ruins Cashel - "A small oval enclosure, 20m N-S x 17m E-W is defined by an irregular bank 1-1.5m high and up to 4m wide. Gorse bushes obscure most of the site, but a quantity of stone, visible in disturbed parts of the bank, suggests that this was a cashel rather than a rath."
Fews Lower Kilclooney, Damoily H93363740
Derrywarragh Island Castle ( The O'Connor Stronghold on the island in East Enagh Lough) None Castle - "The castle of Eanach, which sources states 'was situated on an island in Lough Enagh East,' was demolished, according to the four masters in the year 1555, by Calvagh O'Donnell…" ???? - Built by
1555 - Destroyed by - Calvagh O'Donnell
Oneilland West Tataghan, Maghery H92996425
Derrywarragh Island Tower ( The O'Connor Stronghold on the island in East Enagh Lough, Anoghe Lough Castle ) Ruins Tower-House - "The remains of C17th fortified house situated at NE extremity of Derrywarragh Island in Lough Neagh. The existing remains measure approx. 18 ft x 14 ft and include a brick chimney stack which rises to a height of 32 ft." C17th -- Built by Oneilland West Tataghan, Maghery H92996425
Drumbanagher House (Drumbanagher Castle, Near Tuscan's Pass [Italian Style Arch] ) None House and Bawn - "… a good Bawne of lyme and stone 105ft long, 90ft broad and 10ft high with Two Flankers, In one of which there is a good strong house of stone 20ft square 3 stories high." "… a handsome residence recently erected in the Italian style, from a design by W. H. Playfair. Esq…? ???? - Built by - Garrett Moore, Viscount of Drogheda Orior Lower Killevy, Killybodagh J05463654
Drumilly Bawn Not Found Bawn - "... the site was a late 18th-century walled garden, consisting of a tall inner wall…"
Oneilland West LoughGall, Ballytyrone H91145134
Drumilly Rath (Drumilly Fort) None Rath - "An irregular earthwork 32m NW-SE x 29.5m NE-SW, with a slightly hollow interior raised c.1.2m above natural ground level. A bank 5.5m wide & 1.8m high above the interior defines the S perimeter, becoming less pronouced elsewhere. On NE it is 2.5m wide & 0.75m high. Interruptions at S, E & W all seem modern. The site is surrounded on 3 sides by a recut ditch 2.4-3.2m deep below the top of the bank & upto 1.1m below the ground outside. It may have been up to 5m wide originally."
Orior Upper Killevy, Drumilly J00992781
Drummuckavall Cashel Runs Cashel - "an overgrown enclosure defined by a tumbled stone wall. A stoney bank 4.5m wide & 0.9m high above the interior could be seen... All but around a third of the perimeter has since been levelled & only a platform raised c.0.6m above outer ground level survives. The outline of the wall can still be seen, defining a circle 29.5m in diam."
Fews Upper Creggan, Drummuckavall H92621359
Edenappa Cashel Ruins Cashel - "Stone from the enclosure bank has been used to build a drystone wall that bisects the site. Although in poor condition, the roughly circular outline of the site can still be seen, suggesting a diam.of 34.5m. The bank varies 1.2-2m in width & stands 0.3m above the interior. On E & W is a steep fall of 0.75m from the top of the bank to ground level, but elswhere it tends to merge with surrounding ground."
Orior Upper Jonesborough, Edenappa J07071711
Fathom Castle (Feedom Castle, "old castle at Fathom") None Tower-House - "there was an 'old castle at Fathom' .... It was demolished 1730 in building canal & was roughly in position of the first lock." Occupied by - O'Neills
Taken by - English
1730 - Demolished for - Canal
Orior Upper Newery, Fathom Upper J1020
Glassdrurmmond Castle (Glassdruman Castle) None Tower-House and Bawn - "A drawing from 1765 shows a castle with windows on the side facing the lake." c15th -- Built by -- Henry O'Neil (Son of Red Felim)
1642 -- Partially Burned
1710 -- Destroyed by Patrick Murphy
Fews Upper Creggan, Glasdrumond H96601468
Gosford Castle (1) (Gosford Bawn, Cloncarney Castle) None Bawn - "...a Bawne of clay and stone, being 120 feet long and 80 feet broad with four flankers. In this bawne there is a House, the one half is Stone and Lyme, and the upper part is Timber." 1617 - Castle built by - Archibald Acheson
1641 - Destroyed by - Irish Rebels
Fews Lower Mullaghbrack, Markethill H95383927
Gosford Castle (2) None Castle - "...Small ancient building etc. that is the remains of the second Gosford castle and is the house in which Dean Swift was from time to time a guest ... The first castle or bawn was destroyed in 1641." ???? - Guest Residence of - Dean Swift Fews Lower Mullaghbrack, Markethill H96354060
Gosford Castle (3) Full*& Castle - "It is known as a Norman revival castle..." "Inside the narrow, unlit corridors, cramped stairwells, extremely thick walls, constructed with granite, and the mouldings around the window arches, effectively recreate the gloomy outlay of a Norman castle. As described the forms and details are Norman in style, but the planning and massing were not. There are Romansque columns and arcading, alongside heavy 14th century style machicolations within the castle." 1819 - Commissioned construction by - Archibald Acheson, 2nd Earl of Gosford
1958 - Bought by - Ministry of Agriculture
Fews Lower Mullaghbrack, Markethill H96354060
Hacknahay Tower Not Found Tower-House - "In Bodley's 1609 map of the Barony of Oneilland, a large tower is shown on a small island in the River Bann at the junction of Oneilland & Orior. It is depicted as having a ground floor entrance, two upper floor windeows and crenellations, but the drawing may be stylised"
Oneilland East Seagoe, Hacknahay J037514
Hamilton's Bawn (1) (castle of John Hamilton) None Bawn - "This field was the site of Hamilton's Bawn, a fortified house with defended courtyard built by John Hamilton in 1619. By 1622 the lime and stone walls of this structure were 12 feet high and 90 feet long by 63 feet broad." 1619 - Built by - John Hamilton
1641 - Destroyed by - Irish Rebels
Fews Lower Mullaghbrack, Hamilton's-Bawn H95004430
Hamilton's Bawn (2) (castle of Hans Hamilton) None Castle - "Hamilton's Bawn was … rebuilt as a substantial 'Castle' with 3 chimneys by Hans Hamilton." ???? - Rebuilt by - Hans Hamilton
1704 - Sold to pay Gambling Debts
c1720 - Possesion of - Gosford/Acheson Family
1730 - Became an army barracks
Fews Lower Mullaghbrack, Hamilton's-Bawn H95004430
Johnstown Castle (Johnston Fews[Mountain Range] Castle) Ruins Castle - "an attempt was made (to build a castle) at Johnston Fews, which resulted only in the erection of a few mud cabins."
Fews Upper Newtown Hamilton, Johnston Hill
Killevy Castle (Killevey Castle) Full Castle - "… built in the Gothic-style, the seat of Powell Foxall, Esq ???? - Residence of - Powell Foxall, Esq. Orior Upper Killevy, Ballymacdermont J041204
Killevy Churches Round Tower None Round Tower - "The foundation of a small rectangular building just outside the early W doorway is sometimes taken as evidence of the former existence of a Round Tower…" 1768 - Tower Blown Down Orior Upper Killevy, Ballintemple J04022208
Kilmore Parish Church Tower (Cill Mho'r Monastery Round Tower, St. Matthew's Church, Richhill) Full Round Tower - "The [present Church] Square Tower has walls of immense thickness, and these are the more extraordinary in that they enclose the almost perfect round tower." C5th - Monastery founded by - St. Mochto/Mochtee [St. Matthew] Oneilland West Kilmore, Richhill H942512
Legacorry Castle None Castle - "a grant of Leagcorry etc. Was made to Francis Sacheverell Esq of Reresby.]" c1610 - Built by - Francis Sacheverell Esq. Oneilland West Kilmore, Richhill
Lisbanemore Cashel Ruins Cashel - "This cashel is about 50m diameter. The walls are less than 1m high on the inside but higher on the outside. The original wall is missing in the west and is replaced by a curving field boundary. The remaining wall is about 2m thick."
Orior Upper Killevy, Killeen J07822013
Liscalgat Cashel Not Found Cashel - "Paterson recorded two cashels in this townland, one of which reputedly contained a souterrain. The rath … must be one of the monuments, but the 2nd remains unlocated."
Fews Upper Creggan, Liscalgot H9313
Lisdoo Cashel Ruins Cashel - "An oval cashel, 35m N-S x 40m E-W, enclosed by a wall comprising some very large boulders upto 1.2m across. It places it has a core of earth & stone, but elsewhere it seems stone built throughout. It is 2.5-3m wide & 0.6-1.5m high. Around NE, the interior is raised 0.75m above outer ground level."
Orior Upper Killevy, Killeen 08152102
Lisleitrim Rath (Lisleitrim Fort) Ruins Rath - "A massive multivallate rath set on a dominant hilltop. The interior is an irregular oval 49m NW-SE x 41m NE-SW defined by a scarp falling 1.5-3m to the base of a ditch 6-7m wide. A bank rises 1.5-2m above the ditch base Beyond this is a steep drop of 3.5m to a 2nd ditch, 6-10m wide. A 2nd bank rises above this. Both banks have small addition banks on their flat tops. A 3rd ditch lies c.3m below the crest of the 2nd bank, & this is turn is enclosed by another bank 1m high."
Fews Upper Newtownhamilton, Lisleitrim H90352072
Lislooney Fort Ruins Rath - "a very fine treble ringed fort at Lislooney" C1395 – Niall Óg Ó Neill Tiranny Tynan, Lislooney H77624231
Lissacashel (Carrickbroad Cashel) Ruins Cashel - "On oval enclosure 34m N-S x 40m E-W, defined by a tumbled stone wall. On N & S this is quite well preserved, 1.2m above the interior, faced on both sides, 2.5-3m wide. Elsewhere the wall faces are less continuous. At W, the natural rock has been incorporated into the outline of the monument, with a rocky precipice falling c.9m immediately outside the site. A similar use of natural rock can be seen at E. The original entrance is through a gap in the bank 2.23m wide at S."
Orior Upper Killevy, Carrickboad J05061466
Lissaraw Fort None Rath - "this once impressive bivallate rath was levelled in the mid-60s and only faint undulations now indicate the banks and ditches... The central enclosure was circular, 35m in diam. & was surrounded by a bank 0.9m high & 1.8-2.5m above the base of the first ditch, which was 3.4m wide. Beyond this was a berm 6-7m wide. The outer bank had been removed on N & S, where the road had encroached on the site. Elsewhere it stood 0.9-1.2m high. The inner bank was interrupted in 3 places, but the gap at E was widest and may have been the original entrance."
Fews Upper Creggan, Lissaraw H90871391
Lissaraw Rath Ruins Rath - "The central enclosure is 44m N-S x 39.5m E-W, limited by a bank 4-4.5m wide & 1.2m high above the interior. This has been eroded on W & levelled at NE. From the crest of the surviving part is a drop of c.2m to the base of a ditch 5m wide & 0.75m deep. At S it is 4m wide x 3m deep. A 2nd bank 3.5m wide rises c.2.5m above the base of the ditch before falling 1.6-2.2m to external ground level. It only survives on S."
Orior Upper Killevy, Lissaraw J02222796
McPartland's Forth Ruins Cashel - "The site is enclosed by a well-preserved stone wall containing a little soil & measuring 0.9m high & 3-5m wide. The inner & outer faces suvive occasionally, but generally they are obscured by vegeatation & tumbled stone. A break 2.6m wide on NE may mark an original entrance. It originally was double ringed, but no trace of the outer ring survives."
Orior Upper Forkill, Carrive H97741775
Moyry Castle (Moiry Castle, Moyrath castle) Partial* Castle and Bawn -- square tower with rounded corners & walls 1.22m thick, set in the corner of a partially preserved bawn which stands up to 2.75m high. The bawn was probably entered at NE & formed a defensive courtyard. The tower is entered by a door at NE protected by a gunloop & a machicolation. It is 3 storeys high, with no stairs 1601 - built by - Lord Mountjoy Orior Upper Killevy, Carrickbroad J05761466
Mulladry Castle None Fortified House - "a fortified house or castle in the adjoining townland of Mulladry; this house was destroyed during the rebellion of 1641 and never rebuilt." ???? - Built by - Francis Sacheverell
1641 - Destroyed by - Irish Rebels
Oneilland West Kilmore, Mulladry
Mullaghglass Rath Ruins Rath - "The interior has a slightly domed profile & the E & W sides have been raised to create a level surface. The central area is 54m N-S x 53m E-W & is defined on S by a bank 8m wide in places x 1.5m high above the interior. There are traces of a smaller bank c.0.3m high elsewhere on the perimeter. From the top of the bank on W a steep scarp falls 2-2.5m to the base of a broad ditch. At E the base of the ditch is 5m below the interior. A counterscarp bank also surrounds the site."
Orior Upper Killevy, Mullaghglass J06402869
Navan Fort (Emain Macha) None Ancient Fort - "The enclosure is defined by a massive bank with an inner ditch, enclosing an area of c.12 acres. Within the enclosure is a much ploughed ringwork which survives mainly as a wide shallow ditch c.50m diam and a large mound 50m diam x 5m high. Excavation showed that beneath the mound had been a huge structure of concentric rings of posts which had been filled with a cairn of boulders." 2500BC - Possibly built Armagh Eglish, Navan H847452
Portnelligan Castle (1) (Port Nelligan, Port an Fhaileagain) None Rath - "An ancient rath with adjoining burial ground & holy well ... The castle was destroyed in 1531 by the Lord Deputy." 1531 – Destroyed by -- Irish and English Army (Lord Deputy) Tiranny Tynan, Portnelligen H78743856
Portnelligan Castle (2) (Port an Fhaillagain or Pairc na gCloigeann, "fortified place of the saplings or field of the skulls") None Castle - "Stronghold rebuilt and used as the headquarters of Henry Og Ó Neill who held most of Tiranny in Armagh, as well as Minterburn in Tyrone." 1593 – Rebuilt by -- Henry Og Ó Neill McHenry McShane Tiranny Tynan, Portnelligen H78743856
Relig-An-Chaisill ("The Relig") Ruins Cashel - "The wall of the cashel has been greatly reduced within living memory both in height & width and the site has been used as a burial ground for stillborn childern - hence the name 'Relig'."
Fews Lower Lisnadill, Cashel H90363665
Richhill Castle Full Mansion - "Richardson constructed Richhill Castle, a Dutch-garbled manor house" c1664 - Built by - Major Edward Richardson Oneilland West Kilmore, Richhill
Rowantrees Hill Bawn None Bawn - "Documentary evidence shows that this was an English 'proportion' settlement by Sacheverell, and the site of a bawn until c.1641." 1641 - Destroyed by - Irish Rebels Oneilland West Kilmore, Mulladry H968494
Schomberg's Tower Not Found Tower - "… the remains appeared to be a featureless heap of stones rising to a max. height of c.4 ft. It consisted of a round structure of c.24ft diam. There may have been an oblong enclosure or building of c. 2 or 3 times the area of the circular structure just E of it."
Oneilland East Seagoe, Drumacanvy J03675256
Tandragee Castle (Tonregue Castle) None Castle - "… founded by the O'Hanlons who helped to drive the Iberian princes from the Navan Fort and from County Armagh in 332; by building their castle at Tandragee." ???? - Residence of -- Ó Hanlon
1641 - Burned down by - Irish Rebels
C19th - Demolished
Orior Lower Ballymore/Kinmore, Tanderagee J03004620
Tandragee Castle (Tonregue Castle, Tayto Castle) Full Gothic Mansion - "The Castle was built in the 1830’s by the sixth Duke of Manchester and has been described as a ‘Gothic Extravaganza’." 1836 - Rebuilt by -- Duke of Manchester
1939 - Used by - US Troops
1955 - Purchased by - Hutchinson Family
Orior Lower Ballymore/Kinmore, Tanderagee J03004620
The Shankill (Jonesborough Cashel) Ruins Cashel - "A polygonal enclosure 35m N-S x 39m E-W. Most of the perimeter is defined by a tumbled stone wall c.3m wide & 1m high. At N the interior is c.0.75m below outer ground level but at S the interior is slightly raised & the wall is only 0.5m high internally & 1.5 above ground outside."
Orior Upper Jonesborough, Foughill Otra J06391764
Tievecrom Cashel Ruins Cashel - "A small oval enclosure 28.5m x 25m bisected by a field boundary. The bank has been disturbed, particularly at E where is seems to have been incorporated into an earlier field boundary. Elsewhere it survives as a tumbled, stony structure less than 0.3m high & varying 1.5-3m in width. Some large boulders have been used in the construction & much stone has been removed. The S side of the interior has been raised c.0.75m above natural ground level."
Orior Upper Forkill, Tievecrom J02871526
Tullydonnell Cashel Ruins Possible Cashel - "… a polygonal enclosure, 21m NW-SE x 20m NE-SW... It is surrounded by a tumbled wall, 1.2-2m wide. On NW it is 1.4m above exterior & 0.5m above interior, but on NE is appears as a stone facing to a scarp falling 1-2m. Although the site seems to be a cashel, the surviving stone work is not necessarily original."
Fews Upper Creggan, Tullydonnell (O'Callaghan) H97351643
Tyrone's Ditches (near Drumbanagher) Ruins Rath or Castle - "...vestiges of the intrenchment surrounding the principal strong hold of the Earl of Tyrone, during his wars with Queen Elizabeth…" ???? - Built by - Earl of Tyrone Orior Lower Loughgilly, Ballenan J03443687
Woodville House None House and Bawn - "...possible site of a C17th house and bawn built in 1619 by the Brownlow family." 1619 - Built by - Brownlow Family Oneilland East Shankill, Dougher J07725979
Workman Castle None Castle - "According to Paterson, the original castle of the Workman family, built in the early C17th, was replaced by the present house in 1846-7 on a site rather N of the castle." c17th - Constructed by -
1846-7 - Replaced by modern house -
Oneilland West Drumcree, Maghon J003518