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History of Armagh.

From the earliest times Armagh was an area of great political and religious significance, Navan Fort known as Emhain Macha, now just a grassy Mound was the capital and palace of the pre Christian kings and queens of Ulster. Defensive earthworks known as the Black Pig's Dyke and the Dorcy, can be dated to this time also.

After the foundation of Christianity Armagh became the ecclesiastical centre of Ireland, Saint Patrick making it his headquarters in AD 444. Armagh is the primatial see of both the Church of Ireland and the Irish Catholic Church.

During the 1700's Armagh prospered evidence of this can be seen in classical architecture of the city. Archbishop Robinson donated a library in 1765 and also an observatory, Armagh planetarium was opened in 1968. The Protestant cathedral, parts of which date from the 1100's, stands on the hill that is the site of St Patrick's church, it was to Armagh that the Body of Brian Boru was brought for burial after the battle of Clontarf in 1014

Across the city, on a neighbouring height, is the Roman Catholic cathedral, this twin spired Cathedral was built in 1800's. In the city's mall can be seen some fine examples of Georgian architecture.

Read a comprehensive history of County Armagh from Samuel Lewis' Topographical Directort of Irelaand.